We Are Nebraska is a revolutionary internship program that trains students who have shown a commitment to grow as inclusive and diverse leaders using a hybrid of Applied Improv and Applied Theatre.

We Are Nebraska interns explore personal and emotional stories with social impact, then present them across campus to inspire, educate, and entertain students, university community members, and citizens of the state of Nebraska.
Thank you for choosing to apply to be a We Are Nebraska intern.

Apply Now

Contact information

Your Name


Permanent Address (if different from Current Address)

With which gender identity do you most identify?
Academic & Co-Curricular Experiences
Personal Essay Responses

Please respond to the following questions to the best of your ability. Responses should be between 150-300 words.

Personal Reference

Please note that applications will not be considered complete without a personal reference.
Intern applicants are responsible for contacting their reference to submit a letter of recommendation to Julie Uribe at juribe2@unl.edu.

Internship Agreement

Agreement Signature
By checking yes and entering the date below, you are affirming that you have read the Internship Description provided in the invitation e-mail and that you agree to perform the intern duties in a satisfactory manner. You understand that this is a one-year commitment, and that future reappointment is subject to reapplication. You also understand that failure to satisfactorily fulfill the intern duties could result in termination from the position. Further, you verify the information you have provided in this application is truthful.

Internship Agreement Required
Current Date